Historic Sites
Learn through history by visiting interesting historic sites around the state of Idaho. Historic sites let you put a real face on the history that you've read about, making it more exciting for you and your children.
Historic Sites in Idaho
Minidoka Internment National Monument
Minidoka Internment National Monument was established in 2001 as the 385th unit of the National Park System to commemorate the hardships and sacrifices of Japanese Americans interned there during World War II. Also known as the 'Hunt Camp', the Minidoka Relocation Center was a 33,000-acre site with over 600 buildings and a total population of about 13,000 internees held from Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. It was in operation from August 1942 until October 1945. The Monument is located between the towns of Twin Falls and Jerome, Idaho in south central Idaho.
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The Outdoor Life of Children: The Importance of Nature Study and Outside Activities (Charlotte Mason Topics - Volume 2
The methods of Charlotte Mason are popular among homeschoolers. She includes nature study as a crucial element. This work explores the idea of the outdoors as a classroom for children, and gives tips on ways of teaching the sciences, history, literature, music, and art through the use of outdoor space. 
Learning Language Arts Through Literature
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